In Word documents in which references from EndNote have been added field codes are used for in-text citations and the reference list.
You can see this in the grey highlights in the text in Word.
You can work on the same manuscript with other people who use EndNote too. It is not necessary that they use the same library.
In Word data from EndNote libraries are kept. They can add references from their own libraries.
If you collaborate it is however necessary that you all have the same version of the EndNote program.
If you are working on the same manuscript on different computers, it is best if you copy your EndNote library back and forth between the different computers in addition to your Word file.
That way there is always a connection between the Word document and the same library. This is not strictly necessary: you can also use the information that is kept in the Word file about references, but it is better to do this.
If you want to send a manuscript to a publisher, it is recommended to remove the field codes from the Word document.
There is a special button for this in the EndNote toolbar in Word. This procedure is described below.
Click on
and choose Convert to Plain Text.
A warning will appear: the original document with the field codes will be kept and after clicking OK you will create a new Word document without the field codes.
Use a new name for this and make sure that the original document with the field codes is preserved (it remains open during this action)!
You can do this assignment after section 5.6
For this assignment you need an existing EndNote library (e.g. from one of the previous assignments),
and Word and EndNote should be installed on your PC.