Syncing libraries
Libraries in your desktop EndNote program, EndNote Online and your iPad EndNote can be synchronized, so that all references, attachments and notes are the same regardless of where you open the relevant library. .
Click on 'Sync Configuration' at the top left and then the button to start synchronising.
Or go to Library - Sync.
This window will appear:
Login with your EndNote Online account or create a new account. If you already have a Web of Science account, you can also use that account to log in to EndNote Online.
Note: Only one desktop library can be synchronised with your EndNote Online. When synchronising a new library, libraries will be merged with all original groups and references. You will be notified before this happens. If you decide to merge libaries, then use the last library as your new library.
Your login details are stored with Preferences - Sync.
Sharing libraries or groups
* Before being able to share a library or group it must be fully synchronised.
* To be able to share an EndNote library or group with colleagues, all invitees must have an EndNote Online account or create one.
If you want to share a library (with max. 100 people), click on File - Share and add email addresses. An invitation will be sent by e-mail. Sending reminders is also possible.
If you want to share a group (with max. 1000 people), select the group, click on or via Groups - Share Group and add email addresses. An invitation will be sent by e-mail. Sending reminders is also possible.
Note: File attachments in groups are not shared.
It is not possible to share Smart groups.
To accept the invitation, you must log in to your own EndNote Online account. Use the same login details as when you log in to EndNote Online or when synchronising a desktop library.
The shared library can be opened via File - Open Shared Library
Every participant with Read & Write authorisation can edit references.
You can track activities and keep everyone "in the know" via the button where you can see all changes, notes, etc. made by those who have access to the shared library or group.