Before we start an EndNote library it is wise to pay attention to Term Lists.
Especially for journal names it is important to set these up in a correct way in a library right at the beginning.
By default EndNote is set up that imported authors, journals and keywords are registered in lists.
In this way the references in a library stay consistent.
By typing new authors, journals and keywords suggestions are given when some characters are typed.
You can switch off these functions via Edit - Preferences - Term Lists. We advise not to do this.
Term Lists are kept up to date for every single EndNote library. They are not applicable to all the libraries.
For journal names Term Lists are included in the EndNote software.
We advise you to import these lists in the libraries when you start working with your library for the first time.
In the future you will probably benefit from this.
These lists contain the complete names of journals and also the standard abbreviations.
Standard abbreviations are used in some bibliographical styles (output styles), e.g. in the Vancouver style.
Via the style you can arrange in which form the name of a journal is formatted in the reference.
How to import the journal names into your library:
In this way you can import several lists in your library.