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EndNote 20 Basic course

Feedback on assignments

Here you find further details and feedback on the assignments.
You can review this information after completion of the assignments.

  • Assignment 1: Entering references manually
  • Assignment 2: Direct export from Web of Science
  • Assignment 3: Connecting to PubMed
  • Assignment 4: Writing a text in Word using EndNote

Entering references manually

  1. Create a new library:

  2. Import the Term List Philosophy:
    step 1:

    step 2:

    step 3: After clicking on Import List a menu with Term Lists appears:

    step 4: After selecting and opening the Term List Philosophy the items are inserted into your library within a few seconds.

  3. You open an input screen with the buttonor via the menu option References – New Reference.
    The new entry of a book:

    Reference Type = Book
    Author: there is no need to place spaces between the initials of the author.
    Title: you must provide a capital letter at the beginning of the subtitle of the book and for the correct entry of the colon between the main title and subtitle (so without a space before the colon).
    Place Published: you must ensure that the official abbreviation CA for the state of California is correctly entered.
    Keywords: you may enter the keywords each on a separate line, just as with multiple authors. However, you can also place them one after the other separated by e.g. a semicolon.
    Saving references: you do this with the SAVE button. You can then close this separate input screen.

    The new entry of a journal article:

    Reference Type = Journal Article
    Author: enter each author on a separate line and the full first names may be typed in, because the chosen output style controls whether initials are made of it.
    Journal: by importing the Term List Philosophy in advance, when typing in the journal name, a suggestion for a journal name will appear after a few letters starting with Professional….
    Volume: enter only the number, not the letters Vol.
    Issue: enter only the number.
    DOI: only the doi number is sufficient, starting with 10 .....
    Saving references: you do this with the SAVE button. You can then close this separate input screen.

    The new entry of a chapter in an edited book:

    Reference Type = Book section (so not Edited Book)
    Author: the author of the chapter.
    Title: the title of the chapter (without a full stop at the end!); only the first word of the title has a capital letter.
    Editor: the editor of the edited book.
    Book Title: the title of the edited book; the first word of the subtitle is capitalised.
    Pages: only enter the page numbers, not the letters pp., as this is controlled by the chosen output style.
    Edition: only enter 2nd, not the letters ed. (with the 3rd ed. this should be 3rd, with the  4th ed.: 4th, etc.).
    Saving references: you do this with the SAVE button. You can then close this separate input screen.

Direct export from Web of Science

You can find the Web of Science in the list Databases A-Z or in the footnote of the homepage of the University Library.

Search with search field Topic:

Export results to your library in EndNote:

Enter here how many references and which data (if necessary, choose Full Record at Record Content):

Often EndNote is opened automatically (or you can first choose a specific library) and the references are added to your library. It is also possible that a file is placed on your PC. Then open this file and the references will be automatically added to your library.

The 10 references that will be added to your library:

The important data of the references (title, author, year, source, doi, etc.) has been properly entered into the various fields. By choosing Full Record in the Web of Science, the summary, keywords, language, extra notes, author addresses and alternative journal titles are also included.
The reference type Journal Article has been correctly assigned by EndNote;
for a book chapter, EndNote will automatically use the correct reference type Book Section.
Some journal titles or the titles of the articles may be written entirely in capital letters;
you have to adjust this yourself.

Connecting to PubMed

Click on the left on Online Search where you probably already have a number of search systems to access online. If it only says "more ...", click on this and in a separate window you can then choose PubMed (NLM) from an alphabetical list.

After clicking on PubMed (NLM) an online search box will appear at the top.

Enter search terms in All Fields: nursing homes netherlands
We choose to show only the first 100 references here.
Click on the number of 100 behind Retrieve results.

Note: Note: these 100 references have not yet been definitively added to your library. You can choose a few or to select all 100 click the box on the bar with the field names or use Ctr + A and then use the button  to transfer them to your own library.

The references have now been added to 'All References'. You will also see the number of copied references as a separate set under Recently added and under Online Search under PubMed (NLM), which is useful if you want to give them their own tag.

The data of each reference has been copied into the correct fields. The reference type is also automatically assigned correctly.

Writing a text in Word using EndNote

There are two ways to add references from your EndNote library to your text.
1. You can stay in Word and then search your EndNote library via the Insert Citation option in the menu bar of EndNote in Word.

2. Or you can go to your EndNote library via  and search and select reference(s). Go back to Word via the key combination Alt+1 or via Tools - CWYW. Then place the cursor in the text in Word where you want to add one or more references. Then choose Insert Selected Citation(s) from the drop-down menu of the Insert Citation button.

You can choose a specific output style for the layout of the reference in your text in the menu bar of EndNote in Word by Style.
For instance, if Vancouver or APA 6th is not shown in the menu under Style, then choose 'Select another style' after which an extensive choice of output styles will appear.

Example of output style Vancouver which works with numbers in the text and automatically generates a numbered list of references:

Example with output style APA 7th that notes author and year in the text and provides a correctly sorted reference list at the end of your text.

An important button for EndNote in Word is the Edit & Manage Citation(s):

This allows you, for example, to add page numbers to a specific citation in the text.
First select the relevant source reference in the text so that it becomes gray.
Then click on Edit & Manage Citation (s), after which a new window will open with all the options that can be performed for a reference.

It is also best to approach the complete removal of a specific reference in the text.