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RUQuest (English): FAQ

FAQ - Loans & reservations

Loans, reservations, requests

  • How do I log in?
    Click at the top right on Log in.
    S-number or U-number:
    Choose Log in with your S- or U-number (Radboud University students and employees).
    Choose Log in with your Z-number (Radboudumc employees).
    External users with library card:
    Choose Log in with your personal email address (external users).
    (Log in with your email address and password. First time? Click reset password and follow the steps.)

  • How do I get an overview of my loans and reservations?
    Log in to RUQuest, click on My Account in the top right, then choose Checkouts or Requests. You can find more information in the tab Renew, request, reserve.

  • What are 'Holds'?
    These are your reserved items.

  • How can I extend my lending period?
    Your book will be automatically renewed every 28 days for a maximum of 10 times, as long as there is no reservation placed on the book. When the book is reserved by someone else, you will receive an e-mail to return the book within 7 days. (It is not necessary to use the Renew Items button in My Account.)

  • I can not log in. Now what?
    Please contact us via Ask Your Librarian or drop by one of our library locations.

  • Is there a RU-library in the Gymnasion as well?
    No, just a depot. If it says 'Gymnasion' next to your item, you can request it using the button Request item.

  • Can I get an overview of the books I borrowed in the past?
    No, RUQuest does not save any information about your previous loans and requests because of privacy regulations. 

  • RUQuest is in English by default. Can I change this to another language?
    On the bottom of every page in RUQuest you can change the language:

  • Can I request journal articles using RUQuest?
    Most publications are available online because the University Library has many digital subscriptions to academic journals. If a journal article is not digitally available but is available in print, you can request the journal issue through RUQuest (for inspection only; journals cannot be borrowed). You can also request items from outside the Radboud University, for more information visit this webpage or this guide.


FAQ - Searching & saving results

Searching and saving results in RUQuest

  • How to search for a title or author?
    If you want to search for a title, put ti: in front of it. If you want to search for an author, put au: in front of it. You can find more search keys under the tab Search tips.

  • What does Author Phrase or Title Phrase in the advanced search screen mean?
    It allows you to search for documents containing an exact sentence or phrase rather than containing a set of keywords in a random order.
    Using Phrase is not recommended: you will lose relevant results. It is better to use quotation marks to search for words in a fixed order. For example ti:"Climate change" or au:"Charles Dickens".

  • Why can't I find e-books when I use the filter of my location library?
    E-books in RUQuest are placed under the Radboud University scope. Keep the checkbox Radboud University marked if you want to search for e-books.

  • How can I use RUQuest to carry out an advanced search?
    Clicking the Advanced Search link in the top left takes you to a form that allows you to be more controlled in your searching. See the Article search page (Advanced search) for more information.
    For advanced searching in specific areas, specific bibliographic and full-text databases often offer more possibilities.

  • What can I do when I get too many results?
    Use the left-hand menu filters to refine your search further or go to Advanced search and combine keywords with the AND-operator.
    We do not recommend using the Academic Discipline filter.

  • Can I save my search history?
    When you are logged in, RUQuest has the option available to save your search. You can find the button in the top right corner of the results page. Saved searches can be found in My Account > Saved Searches.

  • How can I search using filters?
    On the left side of your screen you can select filters. After selecting, you can save these filters for your next search at the top left (Retain Filters). Don't want to use the filters anymore? Press Clear Filters to discard all selected filters.

  • Can I store interesting results?
    Yes. First make sure you are logged in. Next, choose 'Save' with the items you'd like to store. They are then stored in Saved Items (at the top right of the results list). Note: these items will be deleted as soon as your browser session ends! To permanently save your items, click Saved Items and then Create List to create a personal list. A personal list is saved on your RUQuest account. You can also choose to export search results.

  • Can I permanently save Saved Items?
    Results in your Saved Items list are only temporarily saved. They will be deleted as soon as your browser session ends. You can however export search results or create a personal list (see question above).

  • What does Downloadable archival material mean?
    Downloadable archival material means that these are publications from the Radboud Repository. The Access Online button is always available for these records, which leads to the Radboud Repository. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that the full text is also available.