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RUQuest (English): Book search

Searching for a known item using (a combination of) title and author keywords

From the University Library homepage:

Select the tab Books.



You can search by author in the search box, by using the search key au:, for example:

ToelichtingMake sure you search for all name variants, e.g. au:Aiden Keath Woodbead OR au:Aiden K. Woodbead OR au:A.K. Woodbead


You can search by title in the search box, by using the search key ti:, for example:
ti:companion to experimental philosophy

ToelichtingDon't use articles (the, a, an) at the beginning of the title in your search query.

For an overview of commonly used search keys, see the tab Search tips.

Combining search terms

You can use operators to combine your search terms, to either narrow or broaden your set of results:

  • AND: all search terms must be present in the resulting records
  • OR: any of your search terms can be present in the resulting records
  • NOT: exclude words from your search

Use quotation marks when you want to search for two or more words in exactly that order next to each other, i.e. a fixed phrase.

Getting (too) many results?
Use the left-hand menu filter option Material Type to further refine your search.

Clicking the Advanced Search link (top left, underneath the RUQuest logo) takes you to a form that allows a more controlled search.

  • On the left side choose Author or Title in the drop down box
  • On the right side enter your search terms

It is possible to combine search terms by using a second row. You'll be given a choice on how to combine your search terms.

  • AND: all search terms must be present in the resulting records
  • OR: any of your search terms can be present in the resulting records
  • NOT: exclude terms from your search

Need more rows? Click on the Add row button.

Using Phrase is not recommended: you will lose relevant results. It is better to use quotation marks when searching for a phrase.


Further down you can limit your search by selecting a Material Type, amongst other options.


Click on the title of an item to view the details. If an electronic version is available at Radboud University, click on View eBook or Access Online (the name varies). You will be led to a publisher platform where you can access the e-book.

Having problems accessing the book? Please get in touch. Use Ask Your Librarian or visit your nearest library location.

E-books are not filtered by library location, but placed under Radboud University.

In the list of results, you'll see where a book is stored and whether it is available. If you click on the desired title, you will find concise availability information on the right side under Access Options and a complete description more down under Availability of this Edition at Radboud University.

Open Stacks (reference only) & Status 'Available'

This book cannot be borrowed, you can request it for inspection in the library. Use the call number to locate the book in the library. The button Locate shows you the location of the book on a map of the library.


Open Stacks (lendable) & Status 'Available'

You can get the book from the shelf yourself. Use the call number to locate the book in the library. The button Locate shows you the location of the book on a map of the library.

Open Stacks (lendable) & Status 'Checked Out'

The book is borrowed by someone else. You can make a reservation using the red button Request item.


Closed stacks (lendable) & Status 'Available'

The book is in the depot. You can request it using the button Request item on the right side (under Access Options).

'Gymnasion' or 'Verdieping'

The 'Gymnasion' is part of the depot. Request the item using the Request item button.
The 'Verdieping' is the name for the open stacks in the Central Library, where you can pick up the books from the shelves yourself.

This book is in the depot. Request it using the button Request item.

ToelichtingThe results list only shows you the most recent edition that is available. You can find more editions by clicking on the title and scrolling down to Explore Editions & Formats. Here you can find more editions. (N.B.: You will also see editions that are not available at our library. Check the right column (Library) to see whether Radboud University is mentioned. The editions held by Radboud University appear on top of the list by default.

ToelichtingAddresses of library locations can be found under the Contact tab.

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Found your desired item? You can request it:

Request outside RU

When you'd like to request an article or printed book that's not at the Radboud University, you can request it using the button Request item other libraries. More information on this webpage or in this guide.


Only available outside The Netherlands?

Requesting an item from outside The Netherlands is often possible as well, please see the page Request outside RU (ILL). However, this might take a long time and cost a lot more; you might consider submitting a recommended purchase.