Account: See My Account.
Administration costs: After a 2nd request to return a book, €18 in administration costs will be charged. See website Loan period.
Advanced search:
Use the advanced search screen to search more specifically by narrowing down your search.
It is possible to combine search terms by filling in the following row(s) as well. If you need more search boxes, click + Add row. You can combine search boxes with operators:
AND: all search terms have to be included in each result.
OR: At least one of the search terms has to be included in each result.
NOT: The search term after NOT must not appear in the results.
For example, au:hemingway AND ti:”the old man and the sea”
You can further refine your search by clicking Search Tools.
Article search:
- From the University Library homepage
Select the tab Articles
- Directly in RUQuest after performing a search
Under the Material Type filter, check the box Article.
- Directly in RUQuest via Advanced search
Select Article under Material Type.
- Via eJournals A-Z
(below the Library Links button in RUQuest).
Author Phrase: Try to use double quotation marks. For example: au:”Benders Jos” instead of au=Benders, Jos.
Author search:
- Quick:
Type au: in the search bar first, then add the author’s last name. It isn’t case sensitive. For example: au:Hawking.
- Or select Advanced search:
Availability: A book with the status ‘available’ is present but not always available for loan. See Reference only or Not for loan.
Blocking of your borrower account: Your account will be blocked if you do not return a book within 7 days of receiving an email with the request to return it. You will not be able to request, reserve or borrow any more books. You can still search, and you keep access to the digital library (eBooks and eJournals). See webpage Loan period.
Book search:
- From the University Library homepage
- Directly in RUQuest after performing a search
Check the box Book under the Material Type filter.
- Directly in RUQuest via Advanced search
Select Book under Material Type
Boolean operators: See Operators.
Borrowing: See website Borrowing.
Change interface language: You can change the language at the bottom of each page:
Change e-mail address: In your profile (My Account > View Profile) you will find the option to change your e-mail adress (Use Alternate Email). This only works for e-mails concerning interlibrary loans (ILL). All other e-mails will still be sent to your Radboud University e-mail address. For this reason, we advise against using this option.
Checked Out (currently on loan): The book has been borrowed. However, you can still reserve it via this button:
Citation style: If you want to export or cite an article, you can choose the citation style from the drop-down menu. You will see this menu when clicking on Cite. Also see the tab Export.
Closed stacks: Publications are not in the open stacks and have to be requested via the button:
Combining search terms: Use Operators to combine search terms (use upper case!)
AND: all search terms have to appear in each result.
OR: At least one of the search terms has to appear in each result.
NOT: The search term after NOT must be absent from each result.
For example: au:Hemingway AND ti:”the old man and the sea”
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): The unique number which helps you find full-text digital publications quickly. You can search for articles by DOI via eJournals A-Z (in the menu). Select DOI in the drop-down menu.
Download articles: Click this button: . It may occur that you do not land on an article directly. You may have to search a second time within the journal or publisher’s website.
Editions and formats: Scrolling down on the page of a publication you will find every edition of the work, held by our library or elsewhere. Editions can be filtered by library, format, year and language. By default, publications available at the Radboud University are listed at the top. These can be recognized by the mentioning of Radboud University in the column Library.
eBook search:
- Option 1: After performing a search in RUQuest, check the box eBook in the Material Type filter menu.
- Option 2: When filling in RUQuest’s advanced search screen, select eBook in the Material Type drop-down menu (under Search Tools).
- Option 3: Via eJournals A-Z (found in the menu in RUQuest). Select Search for: eBooks.
All eBooks are listed under the Radboud University library location filter. Note! This means you will not find eBooks if you check one of the location options listed below Radboud University.
eJournals A-Z: Click the button in the top left and select eJournals A-Z.
Here, you can search for a journal title or browse the alphabetical journals list.
E-mail address: See Change e-mail address.
E-mail a search result: You can e-mail the description of a publication to yourself or someone else. Click on Share. In the menu that appears, you will find a link that you can use to share the result. Below you will find the option to send the publication details by e-mail.
Exact search: Use double quotation marks if you want to search for exactly those terms in a fixed order, for example when a concept consists of multiple words. Example: "climate change"
Export to reference managers:
One result
In the list of results, and in the details of a result, you will find the following buttons:
Click Cite, and then select the export option of your choice on the left side of the pop-up menu. If your reference manager is not mentioned in the options, you can export your result as a .ris file that can be uploaded to your reference manager.
Multiple results
1) Add the desired search results to Saved Items by clicking the Save button for each result.
2) The search results can now be found by clicking on . Here you can select items to export in the same way as with one result (see above).
External users with a library card: Outside visitors can borrow, request and reserve all printed publications after logging in (see Logging in for external users with a library card). For access to the digital library see Guest login.
Filter options: Your search results can be narrowed down by Library Location, Year of Publication, Material Type, Content Type, Author/Creator, Language, Databases or Academic Discipline. These filters can be found on the left side of the results page. For each filter, only the top 6 options that contain the most results will be shown. Click on Show more for an extensive overview. Using the filter options Databases and Academic Discipline may result in a loss of relevant results. If Retain Filters is checked (at the top of the filter menu), used filters will be saved for a follow-up search within the same session. If you do not want to use the filters anymore use the Clear Filters button.
Fines: Fines for returning books too late have been abolished per January 1st, 2019. You can still receive a charge for €18 in administration costs if you do not respond to a return request. See webpage Loan period.
Foreign requests: See the webpage Borrow from other libraries (ILL) or the ILL guide.
Full text: The entire publication is available online. Select Full Text under Content Type in the filter menu on the left to narrow your search down to publications that are entirely available online.
Grouping related editions: If the box for Group Related Editions (top left) is not checked, all editions of a book will appear in the list of results. If the box is checked, only the most recent edition that the University Library has will appear in the list of results. The box is checked by default:
Guest login: Use a guest login to gain access to the digital library on campus if you are not affiliated with Radboud University. The guest login is available at the service desks of our library locations upon production of a valid library card or ID. Note! This only works on campus PCs. See website Access digital library.
Gymnasion: A closed stacks location. See Closed Stacks.
ILL (interlibrary loan): See the webpage Borrow from other libraries (ILL) or the ILL guide.
ILL Requests: The marked fields have to be checked or selected:
ISBN-ISSN search: Select ISBN or ISSN in the drop-down menu via Advanced Search.
It is also possible to search by ISSN in the eJournals A-Z list (see eJournals A-Z)
Journal search:
- Via the University Library homepage:
- Directly in RUQuest (search key):
Add the search key tk: to your search query:
- Directly in RUQuest (filter):
After performing a seach, check the box Journal, Magazine under the Material Type filter.
- Directly in RUQuest via Advanced Search:
In the Material Type drop-down menu, select Journal/Magazine.
- Via the eJournals A-Z search window
This option can be found under Library Links in RUQuest. Note: You will not find printed journals this way!
Keyword: Searching by keywords is not the same as searching by subject. If you search by keyword you will get results that have the word somewhere in the description (title, author, subjects, summary). The search key is kw. Example: kw:ecosystem
Language: you can change the interface language at the bottom of each page:
Law eBooks Dutch eBooks concerning the study of law can also be found via the database Rechtsorde.
Law Library: See website Library locations.
Lendable: The publication is available for borrowing.
Library card: See website Library card.
Library Location (filter): On the results page under the Library Location filter, Radboud University is checked by default. You can narrow down a search by checking a library location under Radboud University. Note! You will only see printed books and magazines after doing this. eBooks and other formats such as articles will not be incorporated in your search.
You can expand your search by checking Libraries in the Netherlands or Libraries Worldwide.
Library locations: See website Library locations.
Library of Medical Sciences: See website Library locations.
Library of Science: See website Library locations.
Loan history: RUQuest does not save any information about your previous loans and requests because of privacy regulations.
Loan period: See website Loan period.
Logging in for RU employees and students: You have to be logged in to borrow, request, reserve and to make personal lists.
1) Click Sign In in the top right.
2) Select Log in with your S- or U-number (Radboud University students and employees) or Log in with your Z-number (Radboudumc employees).
3) Log in with your S-, U- or Z-number and password.
If logging in fails, contact us through Ask Your Librarian or visit one of our Library locations.
Logging in for external users with a library card: Click Sign In in the top right and select the option Log in with your personal email address (external users). Fill in your email address and click Reset password with the first use. With the password you receive by mail you can log in to RUQuest.
Logging in as a guest: If you are not a RU employee or student and you do not have a library card, you do not need to log in. Select Continue as guest. This option is limited to searching. You cannot borrow and you do not have access to the digital library.
Make a list: See Saved Lists.
My Account: After logging in you will see My Account in the top right. When you click on it, a menu appears with multiple options. Most of these will lead to an overview of your checkouts, requests, outstanding costs, saved searches and profile. You will also find an option to renew borrowed publications. However, this happens automatically and you do not have to do it yourself. Also see the website Loan period.
Nijmegen School of Management: See website Nijmegen School of Management.
Not for loan: The publication is not available for borrowing, only for reference.
No results: Check the spelling of your search terms and your filters. You can also expand your search to Libraries Worldwide and request your item from another library. See website Borrow from other libraries (ILL) or the ILL guide.
OCLC Number = OCN = request number: each publication has a unique number in RUQuest. You can also search by this number. For example: no:(783229660).
Open access: Publication available online for free to everyone. If you check Open Access under the Content Type filter in the menu to the left on the results page, you will only see open access items.
Open stacks: You can retrieve the publication yourself from the indicated location.
Open stacks (reference only): You can retrieve the publication yourself, but it cannot be borrowed. It is only for reference.
Operators: You can combine search terms with these. Note! Only use upper case.
AND: all search terms have to be present in each result.
OR: At least one of the search terms has to be present in each result.
NOT: The search term after NOT must be absent from each result.
Phrase: Search for an exact combination of words. To ensure that you get the desired results use double quotation marks. For example: “Moby Dick”.
Peer Reviewed: Select Peer Reviewed under Content Type in the filter menu on the left side of the results page.This way, you select articles that have gone through the peer-review process. This means that they are assessed by experienced scholars or scientists from the concerning field.
Personal lists: See Saved Lists.
Permalink: See Share.
Pick-up location: Library location where you can collect or return books. Note! Not all materials can be collected anywhere. They may only be available for reference at their ‘home location’. This goes for journal volumes and items from special collections. When materials have to be transported to another location it may take a few days before they are available for pick-up. You will receive a notification when they are available.
PMID: Pubmed Identifier. Via eJournals A-Z (under the button in RUQuest) you can search for articles by PMID by selecting PMID as identifier from the drop-down menu (ISSN by default) and filling in a PMID in the search box next to it.
Publication not available in the Netherlands: See website Borrow from other libraries (ILL) or the ILL guide.
Radboud Repository: This is a database with academic publications from the Radboud University. These publications can also be found in RUQuest. The availability of a full text is indicated by Open Access.
It is possible to filter by results from the Radboud Repository in the results list by clicking Show More under the Library Location filter and checking the option Radboud Repository.
Rechtsorde: Search engine for full text Dutch legal literature. See Rechtsorde database.
Reference only: The publication is not available for borrowing, only for reference.
Renewal: See website Loan period.
Request and reserve: See Reservations and requests.
Request item: Red button that you can use to reserve or request publications. See the reservations and requests tab.
Request item from other libraries (ILL): If a publication is not available at RU, it may be possible to request it elsewhere in the Netherlands by clicking this button:. See ILL Requests. For requesting publications that are not available in the Netherlands, see webpage Borrow from other libraries (ILL) or the ILL guide.
Request number: See OCLC Number.
Request a volume of a print journal that is not indicated on the screen: When filling in the request form, choose Special Request (in the drop-down menu I need) and fill in which volume and issue you need in the comments box at the bottom of the form. Also see Reservations and requests.
Reservations and requests: When you find a book in RUQuest you can request it. When a book is currently borrowed you can reserve it. Both actions can be done using the button .
1) Click the red button Request item.
2) Log in (if you haven't already).
3) I need *: By default this is Specific Copies or Volumes: choose the relevant volume or copy by checking the box further down in the form. If a journal volume you want to reserve is not present in the list, select Special Request and indicate which year, volume and issue you want to request in the comments box at the bottom of the form.
4) Pick Up Options *: select the location where you want to pick up the publication here.
NOTE: books can be brought to any library location. Journals are only available for reference at the location itself! This is despite the ability to select a location in the form. You will get a notification when requested publications are ready for pickup.
5) I need this for specific dates (optional): here you can indicate whether you want to reserve a book at a later time (start date), and when the reservation ends (end date). Note: when someone reserves the same item earlier, that reservation has priority!
Furthermore, you have the ability to indicate when, in the indicated period, you are unable to pick up the requested publication.
6) Click Submit.
Return request: A request via email to return a reserved book within a week. See website Loan period.
Saved Items: By clicking (at the top of each result), you can save hits. The star will turn red. The results that you save in this way, appear in a temporary list that can be found by clicking
(above the results list). You can save a maximum of 100 items in this list, which can be e-mailed, exported or deleted again without logging in. If the session stops, you will lose your saved items. To save them permanently, you can log in and add them to a new or existing personal list (See Saved Lists).
Saved Lists:
1. Log in (also possible in step 3).
2. Select the hits you want to save using the button (you can also make a selection later).
3. Click on above the results list.
4. Click .
5. Fill in a list name.
6. Move the privacy slider to Shared if you wish to share your list.
7. Click Save.
8. If you chose Shared, the list page will include a link that you can send to people you want to share the list with.
Your Saved Lists can be found by clicking My Account (top right) and then Saved Lists.
Note! Exporting an entire personal list is usually not possible. However, e-mailing is possible!
Saved Searches: Log in and click above the results list. You can find saved searches by clicking on Saved Searches in the drop-down menu that appears under My Account.
Article: see Article search
Author: see Author search
Books: see Book search
eBook: see eBook search
Journals: see Journal search
Subject: see Subject search
Search history: You cannot save your search history. However, you can save individual searches when logged in. See Saved Searches.
Search keys: See the search tips tab.
Search tips: See the search tips tab.
Series: Parts of a series can be found with the search key se:. For example: se: "Loeb classical library"
Share: The button gives you two different options to share a found item. Firstly, you will find a link that you can share. This link leads to the description of the item in RUQuest. Second, you will find the option to send an e-mail containing some basic information about the item and a link to the result in RUQuest.
Sorting search results: Results are sorted by relevance (Best Match) by default. Other suitable sorting options are by Date (Newest First) or Date (Oldest First). The sorting menu can be found directly above the results list.
Special Request: See Request a volume of a print journal that is not indicated on the screen.
Study Books (not for loan): Course literature is placed on seperate shelves in the Central Library. These can be found downstairs in the Central Library, directly to the right of the stairs, just before the entrance of the open stacks library (De Verdieping). These books are reference only and cannot be borrowed.
Study Centre Dentistry: Dentistry, Philips van Leijdenlaan 25, route 309.
Subject search: Searching by subject is not the same as searching by keyword. When searching by subject you search within subjects assigned to publications. Not all publications have subjects assigned to them.
- Quick: place the search key su: before search terms. For example, su:”business ethics”. Use double quotation marks when searching for a subject/term that consists of multiple words.
- Advanced: Click on Advanced Search and select Subject in the Search Index drop-down menu.