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Library guide Law: Facultary Library Committee

Overview of legal literature, law sources and information relating to academic education and research

Facultary Library Committee

The Faculty Library Committee advises the Faculty Board of Law on collection development and oversees the spending of funds earmarked for this purpose. The committee also has an explicit advisory voice regarding the financial resources made available by the faculty for the library. Quality of service is also a concern.

The faculty library committee currently includes:

prof. mr. Henri de Waele (chairman)
Department International and European Law
Jildou Niezink (student member)
Student assessor Faculty Board
Sharon De Groot-Jonkman (advisory member)
Administrative Director
mr. Ruben Aksay
Department Criminal Law and Criminology
prof. mr. Danny Busch
Department Financial Law
mr. Sophie van Dongen
Department Jurisprudence
prof. mr. Paul Minderhoud
Department Sociology of Law and Migration Law
mr. Leon Trapman
Department Constitutional Law
mr. drs. Lars in 't Veld

Department Company Law

prof. mr. Rick Verhagen
Department Civil Law
mr. Edsard van der Werf
Department Administrative Law