You may borrow books from any campus library free of charge using your student card and you may return them to any University Library location. Your campus card or student card is your library card as well. You can search for a book in RUQuest. You may consult journals in the libraries. The Central Library in particular, houses many books and journals in the closed stacks; you may not retrieve these yourself from the shelves. You can request via RUQuest that they be sent to the service desk for you to collect. More and more literature is also available online or in e-book form.
RU students and staff may borrow a laptop free of charge from the Library of Science (including a mouse, power cable and lock). To do this, you will need to provide identification (a passport or driving licence). Laptops must be returned to the library before closing time.
You can borrow headphones for a day at our service desk
In the stacks in Wing 4, all mandatory study literature is available. This material cannot not be borrowed (only available for inspection), however, a majority of the books are also available as e-books. These are ordered by discipline on this page.
Missing a book or journal? Let us know. Your purchase request will be considered by the faculty library committee and you will be informed of the outcome of your request.
Remote access digital library
Log in to the digital library for access to all digital library subscriptions. This can also be easily done by installing LeanLibrary, a free browser extension.
Information about configuring and setting up a VPN connection.
It is possible to laminate A4 and A5 sheets. The laminating sheets are available for purchase from the service desk.
It is possible to bind your own thesis or dissertation. You can purchase a cover at the service desk.
Printing©ing with Kuario
All multifunctionals at FNWI are migrated to Kuario. Please follow the instructions exactly to establish your account. Find the manual on this page.
Study association? Ask C&CZ for more information: HG03.055 / 024-3620000
Although free of charge, to scan a document, a Kuario account with some money on it is necessary.
If you have any problems regarding printing with Kuario, please contact the Konica-Minolta helpdesk: 024 - 365 59 55 (working days 8am-10pm) or
At the vending machine across the service desk, you can buy various items like pens, college blocks, calculators and headphones.
You can use the Eduroam wireless network in the Library of Science (library and learning zone).
A smartboard is available in Wing 4 of the Library of Science; you can connect a laptop to it or use the computer provided; please ask for the wireless keyboard at the service desk.
A lot of software is available for download at the Radboud University. Some of it is even downloadable on your personal devices! For an overview, check this page.