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Mendeley (English): Mendeley Web

Mendeley is software to save, manage and share references

What is Mendeley Web?

Mendeley Web offers the same options as Mendeley Reference Manager. It generates citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word, LibreOffice and LaTeX, and imports, organises, reads and annotates full-text PDFs.

Mendeley Web

  • If you click Sign In, the following screen will appear:

  • Enter your email address and password and click Sign in.
  • If you click Create a free account, the following screen will appear:

  • Enter your name, email address and password and click Continue.

Go to and click in the toolbar on the right of your account name on the arrow:

My Account: Table of contents (Click on the link to go to the relevant section):

 Account Details: If you click above in the toolbar on the right of the image, choose "Settings & Privacy.
Edit or Close your Mendeley account.


Scopus Profile:Connect to your Scopus profile and your publications will be added to your My Publications folder in your Library.

Subscription:Here you can see your Personal Space, Shared Space and Groups. If you need more space you can upgrade (Costs)


Notifications: This is where you set your notifications.

Careers Settings:Here you can upload your resume and set your privacy settings.:

Billing: If you have a paid subscription, you will find your payment summary here.

Third-Party Apps: see here your connections to Browzine and the CSL editor (Styles).


Search here for jobs in Science, Technology an Health:


Mendeley offers you to upload your datasets or find research data.



Click on My Library to see the publications in your library (Synchronized every time you start the desktop version):

Click on Search and search for articles and add them your library: