Go to: Tools\Options\Tab BibTeX and select your preferences and click Apply\OK.
Via File\Import...\BibTeX (*.bib) you can import a file with BibTeX references.
Designed by Leslie Lamport in 1984, LaTeX (pronounced la-tech; traditionally written as ) is the most commonly used document preparation system. It uses macros for TeX, making it much easier to format texts than with just TeX alone. It is mainly used to format academic texts. Here is an example:
BibTeX software is designed for formatting lists of references. It is typically used within LaTeX documents.
Source: Wikipedia
A BibTeX-file can be created in Mendeley Desktop by going to:
You can set your BibTeX export and syncing preferences, as well as the type of BibTex file you want to create (whole library, per collection or per document) and where you want to save it.
You can also select references in Mendeley Desktop that you wish to have in BibTeX. Select a reference and click:
To make a bibliography in your LaTeX file, enter the following commands: