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Library Guide Politics & Public administration: NSM Library Team

subject guide with practical info for making use of the library and all of its facilities

We are pleased to help you out with:

  • (advanced) search strategies
  • literature review 
  • data retrieval
  • databases and search engines 
  • Citation help e.g. APA style
  • Reference managers

We can discuss any questions or make an appointment to further assist you!

Visit us at:
Elinor Ostrom building, room 01.545 
Ask Your Librarian Desk Central Library, 1st floor, Mo-Thu 11:00-14:00
Ask Your Librarian





Profile Photo
Dini van Engelen

  • Elinor Ostrombuilding,
    Heyendaalseweg 141,
    Room 01.545

  • +31654332704/+31243615950


  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Background:Human Geography, educated as a teacher and information professional.

I can partner with you on: purchase suggestions for journals and books, (advanced) search strategies, APA style referencing, copyright, reference management, academic skills, open science and research data management.

I can teach you to work with: RUQuest, Web of Science, Radboud Repository, Google Scholar advanced, Lexis Nexis and Business Source Complete.


Profile Photo
Jeroen Dalstra
  • Elinor Ostrombuilding, Heyendaalseweg 141, 01.545
  • +31650099598
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Background: Tax lawyer and teacher

I can partner with you on: purchase suggestions for books; (advanced) search strategies; academic skills;

I can teach you to work with: RUQuest; LI; Inview Essential; Google Scholar;.

Data Librarian

Profile Photo
Maarten Gubbels

  • Elinor Ostrombuilding,
    Heyendaalseweg 141,
    Room 01.545

  • +31612352227


  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (variable working hours)

Background: economics and (legal) history; educated as an information and data specialist.

I can partner with you on: quantitative / statistical databases; data retrieval; (advanced) search strategies; academic skills; APA style referencing; reference management; open access; research data management; .

I can teach you to work with: quantitative databases like Eikon, Orbis, Compustat and BoardEx; Stata; NexisUni; Business Source Complete; RUQuest; Web of Science; Econlit; Zotero; EndNote; and historical resources and primary sources.


Profile Photo
Judith van Herten
  • Elinor Ostrombuilding, Heyendaalseweg 141, 01.545
  • +31611309678
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Background: Neuropsychology; educated as an information professional.

I can partner with you on: purchase suggestions for books; (advanced) search strategies; academic skills; APA style referencing.

I can teach you to work with: RUQuest; Web of Science; Google Scholar; PsycINFO; EndNote.


Profile Photo
Norma Fötsch

  • Elinor Ostrombuilding,
    Heyendaalseweg 141,
    Room 01.545

  • +310629622363


  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Background: European and International law, educated as an information professional.

I can partner with you on: systematic reviews, (advanced) search strategies; reference management; academic skills; open science and research data management.

I can teach you to work with: RUQuest, Web of Science, Radboud Repository, Google Scholar advanced, Lexis Nexis, Business Source Complete, Greenfile, EconLit, Kluwer Navigator, OpMaat, and Atlas.ti and Endnote.