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Publish or Perish: Preferences

Harzing's Publish or Perish tracks scholarly citations and calculates a number of citation and impact statistics

Preferences per database

  1. It's useful to change the preferences for receiving software updates and also for the maximum number of results per query.
  2. You can also arrange access to the API-key for Scopus and PubMed and the subscription key for Microsoft Academic to search these databases in Publish or Perish.
  3. Select "Automatically check for software updates" because there are updates very often

More about Preferences


  1. You can change the maximum number of results per queary to a maximum of 200 results.
  2. Select your other preferences and click OK.
  1. Change the maximum number of results per query
  2. Select your other preferences and click OK.
  3. Change and save these settings.
  1. To use Semantic Scholar you need a subscription key. Click the button "Go to the Semantic Scholar web site".
  2. The maximum number of results per search is 1000.
  3. Change the maximum number of results per query if you want and click OK
  4. Change and save other settings.
  1. To use PubMed click "Go to the NCBI web site" and get the PubMed API key.
  2. The maximum number of results per search is 1000.
  3. Change the maximum number of results per search
  4. Click OK to save
  1. To use Scopus click "Go to the Elsevier Developers web site" and get the Scopus API key.
  2. The maximum number of results per search is 600.
  3. Change the maximum number of results per query
  4. Save other settings.
  1. Searching in Web of Science requires a:
    Web of Science login method, user name and password
  2. The maximum number of results per search is 1000.
  3. Change the maximum number of results per query  
  4. Save other settings.