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Free open access journals/platforms (per faculty)
Pre-print servers
- arXiv - Mostly (but not exclusively) for Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Quantitave Biology.
- bioRxiv - For Biology and Life sciences
- ChemRxiv - For Chemistry and related areas
- MedRxiv - For medical, clinical, and related health sciences
- TechRxiv - For engineering, computer science, and related technology
- SSRN - For more than 70 disciplines
- Research square - Multidisciplinary
Social Sciences
- Sociologie (in Dutch) - Publishes articles on current social issues and sociological-theoretical subjects.
- Open Library of Humanities (OLH) - All journals in the Open Library of Humanities are full open access. APCs for all OLH journals are covered by a worldwide consortium of libraries, and so free of charge for authors. Radboud University is also part of the OLH.
- Necsus. European Journal of Media Studies - A multidisciplinary journal that strives to bring together the best work in the field of media studies across the humanities and social sciences.
- Internationale Neerlandistiek - Internationale Neerlandistiek aims to improve the discussion in international Dutch (including South-African) linguistics and literature, in the broadest sense, including cultural studies and the culture of the Low Countries in general.
- Taal en tongval - A journal devoted to the scientific study of language variation in the Netherlands and Flanders, in neighbouring areas and in languages related to Dutch.
- SciPost - An open access platform where three physics journals are accessible to everyone worldwide, without barriers.
- SCOAP3 - The APCs of some dozen journals in the field of high energy physics are paid by SCOAP3, not by the authors.
- Sigma - Open access platform for Mathematics. Publishing open access free of charge for authors and free access for readers.