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Literature search: Journal search

Overall guide for literature search

Journal search

If you want to search within one journal, you can get access to the archive of the journal via RUQuest. In RUQuest you can either search for journals by selecting “journal/magazine” in the advanced search, or by filtering on journals in your search results. More on searching for articles and journals in RUQuest.

If specific journals have a relatively high impact in their field it might be useful to focus on these to find relevant publications. There are multiple ways to search for high ranking journals. Furthermore, we will explain some journal ranking methods, which are an indicator of the quality of journals.

Searching for high ranking journals

Ranking of journals

Journal Impact Factor

Measures the average impact of original research articles and review articles appearing in the same  journal. Access via the Journal Citation Reports in Web of Science.


Citations to articles from the most recent five full years, divided by the total number of articles from the most recent five full years. Citations from highly ranked journals are given more weight than others. Access via the Journal Citation Reports in Web of Science.

Scimago Journal Rank

Scimago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) is based on the number of citations and the prestige of the journals. Access via Scimago Journal

SJR is included in our journal library Browzine


The h-index for articles published in the last five complete calendar years, h is the largest number of articles that have been cited h times. Access via Google Scholar

Video tutorials

Journal Impact Factor - calculations and use (JCR - Web of Science):

Searching the SCImago Journal Ranking Database: