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EndNote 21 Basic course

Assignment 4

Assignment 4: Writing a text in Word using EndNote

You can do this assignment after section 5.6

For this assignment you need an existing EndNote library (e.g. from one of the previous assignments),
and Word and EndNote should be installed on your PC.

  1. Open Word.
  2. Type a short text or copy a text.
  3. Add some references from an EndNote library in some places in this text.
  4. Make sure that the references are in the Vancouver output style.
  5. Now change the output style to APA 7th.
  6. Add a page number to one of the references in the text.



  • Did you manage to have a text in Vancouver style with numbers for in-text citations and a numbered reference list?
  • Did you manage to have a text in APA 7th style with author names and year for in-text citations and an alphabetical reference list?
  • Did you manage to add a page number to an in-text citation in APA 7th style?
    Did you do that directly in Word (this is not correct) or via
     (this is the correct way).