Search for (high ranking) journals in Browzine, Web of Science, Google Scholar or RUQuest. Journal ranking is used to evaluate the importance of an academic journal. There are several methods to measure it e.g. via the Journal Impact Factor, the Eigenfactor, Scimago Journal Rank or the h5 - index.
Measures the average impact of original research articles and review articles appearing in the same journal. Access via the Journal Citation Reports in Web of Science.
More on Impact Factor
Citations to articles from the most recent five full years, divided by the total number of articles from the most recent five full years. Citations from highly ranked journals are given more weight than others. Access via the Journal Citation Reports in Web of Science.
More on Eigenfactor
Scimago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) is based on the number of citations and the prestige of the journals. Access via Scimago Journal
More on Scimago Journal Rank
The h-index for articles published in the last five complete calendar years, h is the largest number of articles that have been cited h times. Access via Google Scholar
Altmetric Attention score
Altmetrics complement traditional bibliometrics (based on scientific citations). Altmetrics enables us to measure the societal impact of a scientific publication by tracking how often publications are mentioned in e.g. social media, (scientific) blogs, news releases, and public policy documents.
This may be useful to measure if publications of a researcher or institute have impact outside academics.
More on Altmetrics (