You should organise your data files throughout your research by having good folder structures and filenames. With well-organised file-/ and folder names and structures you will easily be able to find and keep track of your data. This will save you time since you will not have to spend time looking for the latest version of a file or wondering where a certain file may be. This can also prevent data loss caused by mistakenly deleting or overwriting files.
A clear folder structure is important for retrieving all your files and documents in a quick and efficient way (see also 'File naming').
The following tips will help you to create distinguishable file names that are informative about the content of the file as well as include information about the version. File naming is quite personal, so you should decide what is best. We have listed several things to consider below. When creating a file name it is helpful to go from more generic to more specific. The most important aspect of file naming is that you are consistent. NB: Your raw data needs to be preserved at all times. Therefore files containing raw data should be clearly identifiable by their file names.