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Nexis Uni & other newspaper archives

The tabs about Nexis Uni are currently being updated according to the latest release. This guide may temporarily contain both old and new content side by side.

Working with folders

You can save articles in folders. 

Articles can be saved in a new or existing folder from the results list or from the article view. You can do this via the folder icon.  

You can find your folders in your personal menu (top right, under "Hello, [Name]"). There you can edit your folders, delete articles, or share your folders with others. 

It is also possible to add individual excerpts in a folder. To do so, select part of a text from an article and choose "add to folder" in the menu that appears. 

Create an alert

When you create an alert, you will periodically receive an email with newly published articles for a specific search query. 

To set up an alert, first perform a search. 

Next, click on the Alert icon (bell) above the filter options (left sidebar). 
Enter the requested information to save and run the alert. 

Your current alerts are in your personal menu (top right, "Hello [Name]"), where you can delete or edit them.