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EndNote Quick Start: Zotero

EndNote course

Get started with Zotero


What is Zotero ?

Zotero is a free software program (version 7) for reference management, i.e. Zotero
helps collect, process and refer to literature for research and educational assignments.
It's available on all RU-pc's and laptops in the Software Center.

Where can you find Zotero?

You can download Zotero and Zotero Connecter (for your browser) at:
There is also a mobile version of Zotero available on the App Store and Google Play.

Who makes Zotero?  
The company behind Zotero is the American Corporation for Digital Scholarship.
There is a support site for Zotero.

More information:

Getting started with Zotero (ppt)

Assignments Zotero

How to use Zotero (including Zotero connector)(Mac)  (Video)