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Mendeley is software to save, manage and share references

What is Mendeley?

Mendeley Desktop and Reference Manager are free reference programs for students and researchers. You can use Mendeley to generate citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word, LibreOffice and LaTeX. You can also read and annotate full-text articles and import and organise PDFs from your computer.


Mendeley Software

Mendeley Reference Manager is the new version of the reference manager that replaced Mendeley Web Library on September 07, 2020. Mendeley Desktop will continue to be available, see Mendeley Support Center

Mendeley Cite is the new citation add-in for Microsoft® Word, usable with Microsoft 365 if applicable. The new citation add-in now exists as a standalone application, which means that you can use it without having to open or even install Mendeley Reference Manager, as well being able to use it with online versions of Word.

'Mendeley Cite is now available as add-on in Microsoft 365

The current version is for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Android.

In Mendeley Desktop version 1.19.8 (2021):

  • removed the "Related Documents" option from the UI
  • removed the options of creating public and invite-only groups
  • removed external group links
  • removed external links to user profiles
  • removed the "Literature Search" option from the UI
  • removed the "Invite Colleagues" option from the UI
  • accessing your Mendeley library after the mobile app is no longer available

In Mendeley Reference Manager 2.105.0:

You can now:

  • Introduced table columns resizing using dragging dividers.

  • Added more keyboard shortcuts for the library table.

  • Fixed the double-click on a reference functionality, now opening the associated reference file.

  • Fixed the "clear search" button functionality on MRM Desktop.

Other Reference software

EndNote is the standard software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references on Windows and Macintosh desktops. See the EndNote X9 basic course or EndNote 20 basic course
This is an online program that makes it easy for researchers to collect, manage, store and share all kinds of information, and to generate citations and bibliographies.


Zotero is the only research tool that automatically detects content in your web browser, which you can then add to   your personal library with a single click. See als the Zotero course.                 

A comparison of the different reference programs.

Need help?

Simply drop by at informationdesk of the Library of Science, Heyendaalseweg 135, for personal instruction.

Mendeley webinar 25 Feb 2021